#!/bin/sh if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then echo 'Usage: test-common.sh CURR_MON_NAME MON_NAME' echo echo 'Monitor names are required. Names are given by "mons". CURR_MON_NAME is your current monitor and the second one is reserved for primary test.' exit 1 fi Test_Common () { echo 'TEST: Common Modes' echo '#=========================#' ./mons echo '#=========================#' ./mons -o ; echo "test: primary" ; sleep 8 ./mons -s ; echo "test: second" ; sleep 8 ./mons -e left ; echo "test: extend left" ; sleep 8 ./mons -d ; echo "test: duplicate" ; sleep 8 ./mons -m ; echo "test: mirror" ; sleep 8 ./mons -e right ; echo "test: extend right" ; sleep 8 ./mons -e top ; echo "test: extend top" ; sleep 8 ./mons -e bottom ; echo "test: extend bottom" ; sleep 8 ./mons -o ; echo "test: primary" ; sleep 8 ./mons -s ; echo "test: second" ; sleep 8 ./mons -o ; echo "test: primary" } ./mons -o --primary "$1" Test_Common ./mons -o --primary "$2" echo "[ Primary has been set: $1 ]" Test_Common ./mons -o --primary "$1"