All files / src/constants index.ts

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export const days = ['', 'Poniedziałek', 'Wtorek', 'Środa', 'Czwartek', 'Piątek'];
export const hours = [
export const MONDAY_TO_FRIDAY = 5;
//added 12:00, one of lectures starts at that time
export const courseStartTimeToEventRow: { [time: string]: number } = {
  '8.15': 0,
  '10.00': 1,
  '11.45': 2,
  '12.00': 2,
  '13.45': 3,
  '15.30': 4,
  '17.15': 5,
  '18.45': 6,
//groupTimeToEventRowMapping - 1;
export const ROWS_COUNT = 6;
export const dayMapping: { [key: number]: string } = {
  0: 'poniedziałek',
  1: 'wtorek',
  2: 'środa',
  3: 'czwartek',
  4: 'piątek',
  5: 'sobota',
  6: 'niedziela',