#!/bin/bash feh --bg-fill $HOME/.wall.jpg & xset s off -dpms& xset b off& xset s off& xset -dpms& redshift -l 52.2327:18.3036 -t 6500:3200& #compton& nm-applet --sm-disable& /usr/local/bin/st -e /bin/sh -c "tmux new-session -s BASE -n HOME '/bin/zsh'\; new-window -n HTOP 'htop'\; new-window -n MUSIC 'cmus'"& firefox& thunderbird& "/mnt/mega/Systems/Linux/apps/KeePass.AppImage"& megasync& dunst -config& #/usr/bin/ibus-daemon -d& transmission-daemon& pl& (sleep 30 && getforecast)& print_torrent(){ transmission-remote -l | grep % | sed " # This first sed command is to ensure a desirable order with sort s/.*Stopped.*/A/g; s/.*Seeding.*/Z/g; s/.*100%.*/N/g; s/.*Idle.*/B/g; s/.*Uploading.*/L/g; s/.*%.*/M/g" | sort -h | uniq -c | sed " # Now we replace the standin letters with icons. s/A//g; s/B//g; s/L//g; s/M//g; s/N//g; s/Z//g" | awk '{print $2, $1}' | sed -e "s/ $//g" } testweather() { [ "$(stat -c %y "/home/yorune/.weatherreport" 2>/dev/null | cut -d' ' -f1)" != "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d')" ] && ping -q -c 1 >/dev/null && curl -s "wttr.in/$location" > "/home/yorune/.weatherreport" && notify-send "🌞 Weather" "New weather forecast for today." printf "%s " "$(sed '16q;d' "/home/yorune/.weatherreport" | grep -wo "[0-9]*%" | sort -n | sed -e '$!d' | sed -e "s/^/☔ /g" | tr -d '\n')" && sed '13q;d' "/home/yorune/.weatherreport" | grep -o "m\\(-\\)*[0-9]\\+" | sort -n -t 'm' -k 2n | sed -e 1b -e '$!d' | tr '\n|m' ' ' | awk '{print "❄️",$1 "°","",$2 "°"}' } print_volume() { [ "$(pulsemixer --get-mute)" = "1" ] && printf "" && exit vol=$(pulsemixer --get-volume | awk '{print $1}') printf "%s%%\\n" " $vol" } print_wifi() { [ "$(cat /sys/class/net/w*/operstate)" = 'down' ] && wifiicon="📡" [ ! -n "${wifiicon+var}" ] && wifiicon=$(grep "^\s*w" /proc/net/wireless | awk '{ print "", int($3 * 100 / 70) "%" }') printf "%s %s" "$wifiicon" "$(cat /sys/class/net/e*/operstate | sed "s/down//;s/up//")" } print_temp(){ echo -e " $(sensors | awk '/Core 0/ {print $3}') +$(sudo nvidia-smi -q -d temperature | grep -i "GPU Current" |sed -r 's/GPU Current Temp ://'| sed -r 's/ C//' |sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//').0°C" } print_date(){ echo -e " $(date +"%d/%m %H:%M")" } print_mail(){ RESULT=$(echo "$(du -a ~/.mailbox/*/inbox/new/* 2>/dev/null | sed -n '$=')$(cat /tmp/imapsyncicon_$USER 2>/dev/null)") if [ -z $RESULT ]; then echo "0" else echo "$(du -a ~/.mailbox/*/inbox/new/* 2>/dev/null | sed -n '$=')$(cat /tmp/imapsyncicon_$USER 2>/dev/null)" fi } batLevel() { # Find the battery level hash acpi || return 0 onl="$(acpi -V | grep "on-line")" charge="$(cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT*/capacity)" # Determine battery glyph by percentage range if [[ -z $onl && ${charge} -gt 80 ]]; then echo -e " ${charge}%" elif [[ -z $onl && ${charge} -le 80 && ${charge} -gt 60 ]]; then echo -e " ${charge}%" elif [[ -z $onl && ${charge} -le 60 && ${charge} -gt 40 ]]; then echo -e " ${charge}%" elif [[ -z $onl && ${charge} -le 40 && ${charge} -gt 20 ]]; then echo -e " ${charge}%" elif [[ -z $onl && ${charge} -le 20 ]]; then echo -e " ${charge}%" # If charging, use animated glyph else echo -e "" fi } usageData() { read cpu a b c pi rest < /proc/stat pt=$((a+b+c+pi)) sleep 0.1 read cpu a b c i rest < /proc/stat t=$((a+b+c+i)) cpuUse=$((100*( (t-pt) - (i-pi) ) / (t-pt) )) ramUseA=$(free -m -h | grep Mem | awk '{print $3"/"$2}') ramPer=$(free -m | grep Mem | awk '{print 100*($3/$2)}') ramUseB="${ramPer%.*}" echo -e " $cpuUse%  $ramUseB%" } playerCmus(){ cmus=$(cmus-remote -Q | grep status) case "$cmus" in "status stop"*) echo "" ;; "status paused"*) echo "|  |" ;; 'status playing'*) echo "|  |" ;; "") echo "" ;; esac } while true do #xsetroot -name "$(print_torrent)$(print_temp) | $(usageData) | $(testweather) | $(print_wifi) | $(batLevel) | $(print_volume) | $(print_date)" xsetroot -name "$(print_wifi) | $(batLevel) | $(print_volume) | $(print_date)" sleep 2 done