#!/bin/bash function get_bytes { interface=$(ip route get 2>/dev/null| awk '{print $5}') line=$(grep $interface /proc/net/dev | cut -d ':' -f 2 | awk '{print "received_bytes="$1, "transmitted_bytes="$9}') eval $line now=$(date +%s%N) } # Function which calculates the speed using actual and old byte number. # Speed is shown in KByte per second when greater or equal than 1 KByte per second. # This function should be called each second. function get_velocity { value=$1 old_value=$2 now=$3 } print_volume() { [ "$(pulsemixer --get-mute)" = "1" ] && printf "MUTE" && exit vol=$(pulsemixer --get-volume | awk '{print $1}') printf "%s%%\\n" "$vol" } print_wifi() { ESSID="`iw dev wlan0 link | grep SSID| sed -r 's/SSID://' | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'`" echo -e "$ESSID" } print_mem(){ memfree=$(($(grep -m1 'MemAvailable:' /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}') / 1024)) echo -e " $memfree" } print_temp(){ echo -e "$(sensors | awk '/Core 0/ {print $3}') +$(nvidia-smi -q -d temperature | grep -i "GPU Current" |sed -r 's/GPU Current Temp ://'| sed -r 's/ C//' |sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//').0°C" } print_bat(){ hash acpi || return 0 onl="$(grep "on-line" <(acpi -V))" charge="$(awk '{ sum += $1 } END { print sum }' /sys/class/power_supply/BAT*/capacity)" if test -z "$onl" then # suspend when we close the lid #systemctl --user stop inhibit-lid-sleep-on-battery.service echo -e "B:${charge}%" else # On mains! no need to suspend #systemctl --user start inhibit-lid-sleep-on-battery.service echo -e "B:${charge}%" fi } print_date(){ echo -e "$(date +"%m-%e %H:%M")" } print_mail(){ RESULT=$(echo "$(du -a ~/.mailbox/*/inbox/new/* 2>/dev/null | sed -n '$=')$(cat /tmp/imapsyncicon_$USER 2>/dev/null)") if [ -z $RESULT ]; then echo "0" else echo "$(du -a ~/.mailbox/*/inbox/new/* 2>/dev/null | sed -n '$=')$(cat /tmp/imapsyncicon_$USER 2>/dev/null)" fi } echo AUTOSTART feh --bg-fill $HOME/.wall.jpg & xset s off -dpms& xset b off& xset s off& xset -dpms& redshift -l 52.2327:18.3036 -t 6500:3200& nm-applet --sm-disable& /usr/local/bin/st -e "tmux-my"& "/mnt/mega/Systems/Gentoo/apps/KeePass.AppImage"& megasync& opera-developer& dunst -config& /usr/bin/ibus-daemon -d& sh /home/yorune/.xsessionrc& keepassxc& transmission-daemon& teamviewer& while true do # Get new transmitted, received byte number values and current time get_bytes # Calculates speeds vel_recv=$(get_velocity $received_bytes $old_received_bytes $now) vel_trans=$(get_velocity $transmitted_bytes $old_transmitted_bytes $now) xsetroot -name "M:$(print_mail) $(print_temp) $(sh /home/yorune/dwm/weather.sh) $(print_wifi) $(print_bat) V:$(print_volume) $(print_date)" # Update old values to perform new calculations old_received_bytes=$received_bytes old_transmitted_bytes=$transmitted_bytes old_time=$now sleep 1 done