# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 inherit flag-o-matic unpacker desktop # This is the only known version of the engine to work with this mod ENGINE_PV="20170829_beta1" ENGINE_SOURCE="darkplacesenginesource${ENGINE_PV}.tar.gz" DESCRIPTION="A mod that makes Quake faster paced, harder, gorier and more violent." HOMEPAGE="https://www.moddb.com/mods/quake-15 https://icculus.org/twilight/darkplaces" GIT_COMMIT="175af02fa8e6bc5c14ebac952c6925f9328c2348" SRC_URI=" https://github.com/DarkPlacesEngine/darkplaces/archive/${GIT_COMMIT}.tar.gz -> "${ENGINE_SOURCE}" https://archive.org/download/quake15-mirror/Q15_PublicBeta1.7z https://archive.org/download/quake15-mirror/patch2.7z -> Q15_patch2.7z https://icculus.org/%7Emarco/sources/lmp2tga.c " LICENSE="GPL-2 UNKNOWN" SLOT="0" # DarkPlaces' PNG is broken on big endian and this mod unfortunately uses PNG a lot. Sorry :( KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm64 ~x86" IUSE="alsa capture cdda cpu_flags_x86_sse cpu_flags_x86_sse2 debug dedicated ipv6 opengl oss sdl textures" REQUIRED_USE=" alsa? ( !oss ) oss? ( !alsa ) || ( alsa oss sdl ) ^^ ( opengl sdl ) amd64? ( cpu_flags_x86_sse cpu_flags_x86_sse2 ) " GLX_RDEPEND=" x11-libs/libX11 x11-libs/libXpm x11-libs/libXext x11-libs/libXxf86vm virtual/opengl alsa? ( media-libs/alsa-lib ) media-libs/libogg media-libs/libvorbis capture? ( media-libs/libtheora[encode] ) !capture? ( media-libs/libtheora ) " SDL_RDEPEND=" media-libs/libsdl2[udev] x11-libs/libX11 alsa? ( media-libs/alsa-lib ) media-libs/libogg media-libs/libvorbis capture? ( media-libs/libtheora[encode] ) !capture? ( media-libs/libtheora ) " RDEPEND=" dev-libs/d0_blind_id dev-games/ode net-misc/curl media-libs/libjpeg-turbo sys-libs/zlib media-libs/libpng textures? ( >=games-fps/quake1-textures-20050820 ) opengl? ( ${GLX_RDEPEND} ) sdl? ( ${SDL_RDEPEND} ) " BDEPEND=" opengl? ( sys-devel/gcc media-gfx/imagemagick app-arch/unzip ) sdl? ( sys-devel/gcc media-gfx/imagemagick app-arch/unzip ) app-arch/p7zip app-alternatives/tar app-alternatives/gzip sys-apps/coreutils sys-devel/patch sys-apps/sed virtual/pkgconfig " S="${WORKDIR}" WAD_DIR="/usr/share/quake15" src_unpack() { mkdir engine tar -C engine --strip-components 1 -xf "${DISTDIR}/${ENGINE_SOURCE}" 7z x "${DISTDIR}/Q15_PublicBeta1.7z" quake15 7z x -y "${DISTDIR}/Q15_patch2.7z" quake15 ln -s /usr/share/quake1/id1/sound quake15/sound } src_prepare() { default cd "${S}/engine" rm mingw_note.txt strip-flags patch -p1 -i "${FILESDIR}/0010-fix-dpsoftras-alignment.patch" patch -p1 -i "${FILESDIR}/0020-do-not-assume-sse2-is-available-just-because-sse-is-available.patch" # Only additional CFLAGS optimization is the -march flag local march=$(get-flag -march) sed -i \ -e "s:-lasound:$(pkg-config --libs alsa):" \ -e "/^CPUOPTIMIZATIONS/d" \ -e '/^OPTIM_RELEASE/s/=.*/=$(CFLAGS)/' \ -e '/^OPTIM_DEBUG/s/=.*/=$(CFLAGS)/' \ -e '/^LDFLAGS_DEBUG/s/$/ $(LDFLAGS)/' \ -e '/^LDFLAGS_RELEASE/s/$/ $(LDFLAGS)/' \ -e "s:strip:true:" \ makefile.inc || die if ! use cdda; then elog "CD support: disabled" sed -i \ -e "s:/dev/cdrom:/dev/null:" \ cd_linux.c || die sed -i \ -e 's:COM_CheckParm("-nocdaudio"):1:' \ cd_shared.c || die else elog "CD support: enabled" fi if ! use ipv6; then elog "IPv6 support: disabled" sed -i 's/^#\(CFLAGS_NET+=-DNOSUPPORTIPV6\)$/\1/' makefile || die else elog "IPv6 support: enabled" fi patch -p1 -i "${FILESDIR}/0030-builddate-template.patch" sed -i "s/%{PVR}/${ENGINE_PV}/" builddate.c || die patch -p1 -i "${FILESDIR}/0040-enforce-quake15.patch" } src_compile() { local video_capture="disabled" if use capture; then elog "Video capture: enabled" video_capture="enabled" else elog "Video capture: disabled" fi local sse_enabled=0 local sse2_enabled=0 if use cpu_flags_x86_sse; then elog "Skeletal animations: uses SSE" sse_enabled=1 else if use amd64; then elog "Skeletal animations: uses SSE, not disabling on AMD64" sse_enabled=1 else elog "Skeletal animations: uses generic code" fi fi if use cpu_flags_x86_sse2; then elog "Softrender: uses SSE2" sse2_enabled=1 else if use amd64; then elog "Softrender: uses SSE2, not disabling on AMD64" sse2_enabled=1 else elog "Softrender: disabled" fi fi local opts="DP_FS_BASEDIR=\"${WAD_DIR}\" \ DP_LINK_JPEG=shared \ DP_LINK_CRYPTO=shared \ DP_LINK_CRYPTO_RIJNDAEL=shared \ DP_LINK_ZLIB=shared \ DP_LINK_ODE=shared \ DP_VIDEO_CAPTURE=${video_capture} \ DP_PRELOAD_DEPENDENCIES=1 \ GENTOO_BUILD=1 \ DP_SSE=${sse_enabled} \ DP_SSE2=${sse2_enabled} \ FORCEGAME=quake15" # If neither OSS or ALSA are selected, then SDL must be selected. # However, SDL is a backend for both graphics and sound - so not # having ALSA or OSS is only an option, if OpenGL is not. local sound_api="NULL" if use oss; then sound_api="OSS" elif use alsa; then sound_api="ALSA" elif ! use sdl; then die "No sound API has been selected." fi opts+=" DP_SOUND_API=${sound_api}" local type="release" if use debug; then type="debug" fi ln -s /usr/share/quake1/id1 id1 # Only compile a maximum of 1 client pushd "${WORKDIR}/engine" local compile_client=false if use sdl; then compile_client=true emake ${opts} "sdl-${type}" elif use opengl; then compile_client=true emake ${opts} "cl-${type}" fi if use dedicated; then emake ${opts} "sv-${type}" fi popd if ${compile_client}; then pushd "${WORKDIR}" unzip -j quake15/q15.pk3 gfx/qplaque.lmp gcc "${DISTDIR}/lmp2tga.c" -o lmp2tga ./lmp2tga qplaque.lmp convert qplaque.tga -gravity North -chop 0x112 "${WORKDIR}/engine/${PN}.png" popd fi } src_install() { pushd "${WORKDIR}/engine" if use opengl || use sdl ; then local type=$(use sdl && echo "sdl" || echo "glx") newbin "darkplaces-${type}" ${PN} newicon ${PN}.png ${PN}.png make_desktop_entry ${PN} "Quake 1.5" fi if use dedicated; then newbin darkplaces-dedicated ${PN}-ded fi dodoc *.txt todo "${WORKDIR}"/engine/*.txt popd insinto "${WAD_DIR}" doins id1 doins -r quake15 } pkg_postinst() { elog "Please make sure that the path /usr/share/quake1/id1 exists and place pak0.pak and pak1.pak in /usr/share/quake1/id1" if use cdda; then elog "If you wish to have the original soundtrack available without playing from an optical drive, please make sure that the path /usr/share/quake1/id1/sound/cdtracks exists, and that it contains the original soundtrack. The expected filename schema is track%i.%s with a double-digit count, either in WAV RIFF or OGG Vorbis format." fi if use sdl && ! use alsa; then einfo "If audio latency is an issue, consider choosing OpenGL and ALSA USE flags instead of SDL." fi }