#!/bin/sh # Use this script to check which pkgs in a overlay might # be redundant - are in overlays other than the tested one # Arguments: # 1 - overlay # depends (heavily) on eix (1) # Some eix options used here: # --exact # --force-color # --in-overlay # --only-in-overlay # --only-names # --remote # --remote2 trap 'exit 128' INT bold="$(tput bold)" red="$(tput setaf 1)" green="$(tput setaf 2)" white="$(tput setaf 7)" reset="$(tput sgr0)" ok_msg() { echo "${bold}${green}* ${white}${1}${reset}" } err_msg() { echo "${bold}${red}* ${white}${1}${reset}" } usage() { cat </dev/null then err_msg "No eix!" exit 1 fi case "${1}" in -h | --help ) usage exit 0 ;; -* ) usage exit 1 ;; "" ) usage exit 1 ;; esac ov_pkgs="$(use_eix --only-names --in-overlay "${1}")" known_unique="$(use_eix --only-in-overlay "${1}")" for pkg in ${ov_pkgs} do # check if pkg is not in known_unique (other overlys have it) if [ "${known_unique#*${pkg}}" = "${known_unique}" ] then echo ok_msg "Package ${pkg}:" use_eix --exact --force-color "${pkg}" fi done