TODO ==== euscan ------ ### Version detections - Check other distros (youri, distrowatch, distromatch, whoas; Equivalent-Packages) - Steal ideas from other tools (uscan, portscout) - Steal data from other tools (dehs) - Add a way to enable/disable methods: other_distributions,remote_euscan,handlers, etc.... ### Command line interface - html and xml output ### Misc - Add a HTTP cache (1day, configurable) Site Handlers ------------- - store un-expanded SRC_URI and use it in handlers - berlios - sourceforge: - MySQL: should use - mariadb: should use euscanwww --------- - Try to separate portage stuff in django-portage/djportage (see what can be shared with other GSoC projects) - Add an /about/config page that describe the current config (overlays, stuff in make.conf, euscan default settings, etc..) - Create a rss for "scan world" + packages in GET - Always keep in db the last upstream version (could be marked as packaged without overlay ?) ### API - Move to tastypie