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    <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Global log" href="{% url global_feed %}" />
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      {% block header %}<h1>Ebuild Upstream Scanner (euscan)</h1>{% endblock %}
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      {% block content %}{% endblock %}
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      {% block menus %}
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	  {% block menu_feed %}
	    <img src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}/img/feed.png" alt="feed" />
	    <a title="Global Feed" href="{% url global_feed %}">Global Feed</a>
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    <div id="footer">
	Questions, Comments, Corrections ?
	Email: corentin.chary at gmail.com<br />
	Copyright (C) 2011 <strong>Corentin Chary</strong><br />
	Original Gentoo artwork and logos copyright (C) Gentoo Foundation.<br />
	Design inspired by (stolen from) gentoo.org and bugs.gentoo.org.<br />
	<em>This site is not an official Gentoo website.</em>