#!/usr/bin/python """Copyright 2011 Gentoo Foundation Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 """ from __future__ import print_function # Meta __author__ = "Corentin Chary (iksaif)" __email__ = "corentin.chary@gmail.com" __version__ = "git" __productname__ = "euscan" __description__ = "A tool to detect new upstream releases." # Imports import sys import os import getopt import errno import httplib from portage.output import white, yellow, turquoise, green from portage.exception import AmbiguousPackageName from gentoolkit import pprinter as pp from gentoolkit.eclean.search import (port_settings) from gentoolkit.errors import GentoolkitException from euscan import CONFIG, output from euscan.scan import scan_upstream from euscan.out import progress_bar # Globals def exit_helper(status): if CONFIG["format"]: print(output.get_formatted_output()) sys.exit(status) def setup_signals(): """This block ensures that ^C interrupts are handled quietly.""" import signal def exithandler(signum, frame): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN) print() exit_helper(errno.EINTR) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exithandler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exithandler) signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL) def print_version(): """Output the version info.""" print("%s (%s) - %s" \ % (__productname__, __version__, __description__)) print() print("Author: %s <%s>" % (__author__, __email__)) print("Copyright 2011 Gentoo Foundation") print("Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2") def print_usage(_error=None, help=None): """Print help message. May also print partial help to stderr if an error from {'options'} is specified.""" out = sys.stdout if _error: out = sys.stderr if not _error in ('global-options', 'packages',): _error = None if not _error and not help: help = 'all' if _error in ('global-options',): output.eerror("Wrong option on command line.\n") if _error in ('packages',): output.eerror("You need to specify exactly one package.\n") print(white("Usage:"), file=out) if _error in ('global-options', 'packages',) or help == 'all': print(" " + turquoise(__productname__), yellow("[options]"), green("<package> [<package> [...]]"), file=out) if _error in ('global-options',) or help == 'all': print(" " + turquoise(__productname__), yellow("[--help, --version]"), file=out) print(file=out) if _error in ('global-options',) or help: print("Available ", yellow("options") + ":", file=out) print(yellow(" -C, --nocolor") + " - turn off colors on output", file=out) print(yellow(" -q, --quiet") + " - be as quiet as possible", file=out) print(yellow(" -h, --help") + " - display the help screen", file=out) print(yellow(" -V, --version") + " - display version info", file=out) print(file=out) print(yellow(" -1, --oneshot") + " - stop as soon as a new version is found", file=out) print(yellow(" -b, --brute-force=<level>") + " - define the brute force " + yellow("<level>") + " (default: 2)\n" + " " * 29 + "bigger levels will generate more versions numbers\n" + " " * 29 + "0 means disabled", file=out) print(yellow(" -f, --format=<format>") + " - define the output " + yellow("<format>") + " (available: json)", file=out) print(file=out) if _error in ('packages',) or help: print(green(" package") + " - the packages (or ebuilds) you want to scan", file=out) print(file=out) #print( "More detailed instruction can be found in", #turquoise("`man %s`" % __productname__), file=out) class ParseArgsException(Exception): """For parseArgs() -> main() communications.""" def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) def parse_args(): """Parse the command line arguments. Raise exceptions on errors. Returns packages and affects the CONFIG dict. """ def option_switch(opts): """local function for interpreting command line options and setting options accordingly""" return_code = True for o, a in opts: if o in ("-h", "--help"): raise ParseArgsException('help') elif o in ("-V", "--version"): raise ParseArgsException('version') elif o in ("-C", "--nocolor"): CONFIG['nocolor'] = True pp.output.nocolor() elif o in ("-q", "--quiet"): CONFIG['quiet'] = True CONFIG['verbose'] = 0 elif o in ("-1", "--oneshot"): CONFIG['oneshot'] = True elif o in ("-b", "--brute-force"): CONFIG['brute-force'] = int(a) elif o in ("-v", "--verbose") and not CONFIG['quiet']: CONFIG['verbose'] += 1 elif o in ("-f", "--format"): CONFIG['format'] = a CONFIG['nocolor'] = True pp.output.nocolor() else: return_code = False return return_code # here are the different allowed command line options (getopt args) getopt_options = {'short': {}, 'long': {}} getopt_options['short']['global'] = "hVCqv1bf:" getopt_options['long']['global'] = [ "help", "version", "nocolor", "quiet", "verbose", "oneshot", "brute-force=", "format=" ] short_opts = getopt_options['short']['global'] long_opts = getopt_options['long']['global'] opts_mode = 'global' # apply getopts to command line, show partial help on failure try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], short_opts, long_opts) except: raise ParseArgsException(opts_mode + '-options') # set options accordingly option_switch(opts) if len(args) < 1: raise ParseArgsException('packages') return args def main(): """Parse command line and execute all actions.""" CONFIG['nocolor'] = ( port_settings["NOCOLOR"] in ('yes', 'true') or not sys.stdout.isatty() ) if CONFIG['nocolor']: pp.output.nocolor() # parse command line options and actions try: queries = parse_args() except ParseArgsException as e: if e.value == 'help': print_usage(help='all') exit_helper(0) elif e.value[:5] == 'help-': print_usage(help=e.value[5:]) exit_helper(0) elif e.value == 'version': print_version() exit_helper(0) else: print_usage(e.value) exit_helper(errno.EINVAL) if CONFIG['verbose'] > 2: httplib.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1 isatty = os.environ.get('TERM') != 'dumb' and sys.stdout.isatty() for query in queries: on_progress = None if (CONFIG['format'] or CONFIG['quiet']) and isatty: print("%s:" % query, file=sys.stderr) on_progress_gen = progress_bar() on_progress = on_progress_gen.next() ret = [] output.set_query(query) try: ret = scan_upstream(query, on_progress) except AmbiguousPackageName as e: pkgs = e.args[0] output.eerror("\n".join(pkgs)) from os.path import basename # To get the short name output.error( "The short ebuild name '%s' is ambiguous. Please specify" % basename(pkgs[0]), "one of the above fully-qualified ebuild names instead." ) exit_helper(1) except GentoolkitException as err: output.eerror('%s: %s' % (query, str(err))) exit_helper(1) except Exception as err: output.eerror('%s: %s' % (query, str(err))) exit_helper(1) if not CONFIG['quiet'] and not CONFIG['format']: print() if (CONFIG['format'] or CONFIG['quiet']) and isatty: on_progress_gen.next() print("\n", file=sys.stderr) if ret is not None: if len(ret) > 0: for cp, url, version, handler, confidence in ret: output.result(cp, version, url, handler, confidence) if (CONFIG['format'] or CONFIG['quiet']) and isatty: print("\n", file=sys.stderr) elif not CONFIG['quiet']: output.ewarn( "Didn't find any new version, check package's homepage " + "for more informations" ) output.set_query(None) if __name__ == "__main__": setup_signals() main() exit_helper(0)